Why Boulder?
Having grown up in Boulder, CO, there are many great things about this town and I find it difficult to pinpoint my favorite aspect to the city of Boulder. From local breweries to the active lifestyle many in Boulder maintain (the 300+ days of sunshine is to thank for this) and everything in between, Boulder is a great place to live or to just visit for an active morning or a fun night out with friends. Boulder has many wonderful aspects that draw people in and typically make them stay. If I had to narrow it down to ONE main reason why I love calling Boulder my home, it would be the endless flow of social events.
There are events constantly throughout the town, and the majority of them are free! As I look towards this weekend being Memorial Day, there are some of the largest events Boulder hosts, all within the same weekend. This has always been one of my favorite weekends to spend in Boulder- from the annual Creek Festival to the infamous BolderBOULDER, there is no better way to feel part of a community centered on 'togetherness'. These events not only serve as a vessel to express your inner 'social butterfly', but as a way to be part of something bigger than yourself. When there are that many people gathered together, it is hard to feel isolated in a town that has always prided itself on being a welcoming place to call home- even just for the weekend.
Head on over to downtownboulder.com for information on all the upcoming events in Boulder.